Catching up with ICT Apprentice, Safa placed with Feversham Education Trust in Bradford

Catching up with Safa - ICT Apprentice, Bradford

Safa is a past student of the ‘Outstanding’ Fevesham Girls’ Academy, a keen IT student and a frequent visitor to the school’s Helpdesk Office where all her IT queries were solved – not knowing there was e-ticket system to log these queries!

Safa is now one of our ICT Level 3 apprentices working for Feversham Education Trust in Bradford- and now is very familiar with the school’s helpdesk e-ticket system!

I spoke to Safa to find out her thoughts on the apprenticeship…

“Busy, good busy!”

In Safa’s short time at Feversham she’s helped audit the school’s old IT equipment and made sure it was destroyed correctly, cleaned or donated all the while keeping records and certification of proof.

She’s issued around 90 laptops to temporary staff, teachers, 6th formers, and younger years all with their own requirements so they can all progress in their teaching and learning.

Feversham Education Trust are keen on tech and keeping their pupils, students and staff’s educational needs running smoothly, and Safa has a big part to play in this.

This hands-on experience is exactly what’s needs to progress in ICT.

There are three schools that that Safa and the IT Department service, all sending e-tickets requesting help!·      

Fevesham Girls’ Academy is the largest of the three sites and this is where the IT department is based. There are students from year 11 through to sixth form and these young customers rely on face-to-face support for the laptops and printers.·      

Iqra Academy is a primary school through to year six and they predominantly need App updates for iPads and classroom white boards updates.·      

Last but not least, is Bronte Girls’ Academy, a secondary school where Safa has been reimaging the school’s laptops for the older pupils.

Safa’s days are a good range of mostly busy and sometimes calm, as mentioned she has a mix of project work running alongside adhoc demands such as physical repairs to screens and keyboards or visiting students on site to make sure their hardware and software is working correctly.

We will be catching up with Safa next year for another update.

Farah Malik –Key Training ICT Learning Coach says, “Safa is a great apprentice, she’s in a great environment with dedicated work mentors. She’s fully embraced the role and is completing assignment work on time.”Well done Safa!

Well done Safa

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