Learning and development trends for 2022

Learning and Development Trends for 2022

2021 is the year we will remember for The Great Resignation and the way employee learning and development programmes develop in 2022 will be influenced by this. The 2021 LinkedIn Workplace Learning report found learning and development has become much more important since the pandemic and programme designers and managers should feel positive as 2022 is underway. These are the key trends to keep in mind and consider for future learning and development programmes.

Learning for Hybrid Working Models

Hybrid working is what employees want and, in many instances, it suits employers too. The flexibility of hybrid allows for further flexibility in training programme design too. Training programmes will need to consider the hybrid workforce’s access to required equipment and logistics. Instructor-led face-to-face training will be much less common than different learning modes and styles including virtual training, webinars, and video training programmes.

Learning during Regular Work

As remote work remains common and not a rarity in most businesses, the lines between working and home lives are slightly blurred. Learning and development can adapt to this by reducing the formality of training programmes. Learning and development programmes should be relevant and embedding seamlessly into the employee’s day-to-day work where possible. Learning in the workflow, as it is known, encourages employee’s proactivity and requires them to take ownership of their learning experiences. Modes like microlearning, which slot in easily when an employee is already involved in their daily work, are popular.

Personalised Learning

The modern learning experience is less about spending hours in a stuffy conference room being led through training essentials which may or may not be relevant. Instead, employees can benefit from personalised experiences that suit their experience level and the specific training they require for their job role. The 2021 State of Learning Practices Study by the Brandon Hall Group found 93% of companies believe that personalised learning helps improve individual and organisational performance.

Retention Focused Training

The Great Resignation has meant companies need to do more to hold onto their best talent. Training and development is a key incentive for keeping employees happy and the right training can help them to develop their careers and feel content and challenged in your company. Upskilling and reskilling your existing workforce has to be a priority of learning and development programmes, to keep them keen and motivated to remain with your company.
Learning and development is a powerful tool for HR departments. As well as ensuring your organisation remains ahead of the competition, it’s a valuable way of keeping your best employees on board.

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