What future skills will everybody need?

We’ve discussed how quickly the world of work is changing, and with that, our skills need to change too. Of course, technology plays a key role in how industries adapt to change, but we also need our workforce to be adequately skilled in dealing with this digital shift. Below, we’re looking more closely at key future skill areas that your team will need if you want your business to thrive.


Your business’ linchpin and its future is data, and it remains your most fundamental asset. The volumes of data organisations hold is growing significantly, and you need employees with the skills to properly manage and analyse this data for business benefits. There is a wide range of key data skills businesses will require, including:

There are many job roles within the data sector, which almost every organisation needs to fill. Our Data Technician Apprenticeship gives people the chance to embrace their data skills and be primed for a range of roles from data technician to information analyst.


Digital skills involve embracing the latest technologies and digital developments for your business. It involves embracing new applications, software, systems and getting to grips with popular technologies such as social media for business purposes.

Our government has set out five essential digital skills required for the modern workplace and everyday life: communicating, handling information and content, transacting, problem-solving, and being safe online.


Leadership skills are obviously not a new idea, but they remain extremely important. A shift towards more remote work means our leaders need to adopt new approaches and update their ways of work to suit the modern working world. Investing in leadership training is great for companies committed to giving their employees a chance to further their careers and to bolster internal recruitment strategies. Core leadership skills include motivation, problem-solving, delegation and conflict management.


Much like leadership, there is nothing new in communication being a core skill for businesses that want to thrive. However, the way we communicate is much more varied than it used to be. While technology and automation are becoming vital in the workplace, they cannot provide genuine and effective communication. Effective communication remains critical to business success, and as our means of communication are so much more varied – from customer webchats to team Zoom sessions, our communication skills can always do with an additional brush up. Specific communication skills training helps to give employees a little reminder of how to deliver a great experience for customers and colleagues alike.

While we are embracing technology’s more central role in the modern workplace, we still need employees with great skillsets. These future skills help to position individuals and organisations effectively for the ever changing working world.

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